
Friday, December 21, 2012

LOVE to you and yours...

There has been a lot of intensity in the air over the past week, huh?

As affected as I've been by the bombardment of news in the past seven days, a beautiful friend of mine reminded me to never let my heart harden, to be open to forgiveness and the love that is everywhere.

And I've held onto that sentiment with every bit of my being over the past few days. I hope you have too. As difficult as "news" can be sometimes, there is love, light and goodness all around us. 

This holiday, we're letting go of stress. We'll hug a little tighter, snuggle a little longer, smile a little sweeter, love with all we've got. 
Let's celebrate the goodness in the hearts of our brothers and sisters this year, the beauty in the spirit of kindness, bravery, selflessness and love. 

We're sending all the love we can muster up, and then some, to the families up north, and to all of you. Cherish every beautiful moment, my friends, and have yourselves the most love love loving holiday together with your friends and families!

The world certainly didn't end. It's only just beginning. Let's fill 2013 with more love and goodness than ever before, because the good guys always win in the end. We've got this.

Happy holidays!

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