
Monday, April 1, 2013

Traces of Creativity

There's this kid I know who can sometimes get a lil' grumpazoid. Oh, if only Small Fry would NAP!

Anyhoo- I'm always on the lookout for distractions that involve a bit of a challenge for the ole' noggin. Factor in some creativity and art and I'm sold.

We've got crayons, markers and paints out the wazoo out here, but I'd forgotten how much fun plain old tracing paper can be!

My fella came home with some Staedtler tracing paper the other day, and in a clever attempt to thwart a brewing meltdown, I set up our kiddo  with the goods.
tracing paper
Instant success, people! Magic. All whining ceased and exploration ensued. Cuh-rice-sis averted.

After our daughter had mastered simple tracing, I challenged her to take the images she'd copied and to ADD her own designs to the paper.

Result? Super fun and creative combinations of both traced and original design!

I wish I'd busted out tracing paper years ago and got to thinking of all the wonderful ways I can use this material to teach my (almost) 2-year-old.

We can trace letters of the alphabet, numbers and shapes—so many possibilities!

I dig it! WE dig it. I'm gettin' more!
Tracing is totally fun! I can't believe I'd forgotten.

Takes me back to my middle school days, when I'd use tracing paper to copy band logos from CD inserts onto my science notebook covers. Good stuff.

Tracing paper clearly ROCKS!

What fun art materials did you use when you were younger?
Have a creative week, friends!

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