
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mutschlers'- Where the Garden Gnomes Want to Live

We're plant people out here, often rearranging furniture to ensure that our indoor greenery thrives.

There's a repotting station on our deck, I dust plant leaves regularly and sometimes, when I think a spider is crawling on my arm, I turn to find a ficus leaf tickling me— so...
we're into it. 
Reeeeeally into it. 

Regulars at our local greenhouses, I thought we'd seen it all. 
But I was wrong...
so very wrong.

If I were a garden gnome, I'd live here.

I've just never seen anything like this place.

Touring the outside grounds, I became entranced by the unique foliage and the intoxicating patterns of leaves and organic design. 
Outrageously beautiful curly willow
Inspiration everywhere.
Stunning water plants
And just when I thought we'd seen it all, we ventured inside.
Mind. Blown. To. Smithereens.

I felt like we'd entered a brilliant mad scientist's laboratory, surrounded by the most exotic plant life I've ever seen.
Passing a small doorway, I peered inside and nearly dropped to the floor with amazement. Wish someone got a photo of my face when I saw THIS...
View through nondescript doorway. No photo could do this justice. WOW! 
We walked into Wonderland.
What even IS this?!?
With heightened senses, as we wandered through impossible greenery, I actually asked if we were supposed to pay admission to witness this grandeur. 
It's glaringly obvious that this place is cared for by a master of horticulture, a rare genius.
Not gonna lie, I wouldn't be surprised if Little Shop of Horrors' Audrey II was thriving in a back room. 
"Feed me, Mutschler!"
What's happening inside that greenhouse is so extraordinary, it just doesn't even make sense.
Gorgeous pitcher plants
Having fallen in love, we took home an outlandishly wonderful South African Albuca spiralus.
Albuca spiralus
We can't rave enough about the magic of Mutschlers'.

Really. Go see for yourselves.
And prepare to freak out...
in the best way.

This place might even top the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. It's THAT wow.
Bonsai classes, anyone?
Where have you seen the most amazing plants? Could it possibly top this?
Have a green day, friends.
XOXO From My Hearth to Yours

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