
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Dorm Room Art of Yesteryear

Back in those rowdy undergrad days, let's just say...
things used to happen in my dorm room. 

Oh, so many things.

Never one for awkward silences, I used to conjure up "activities" to make my guests feel at home. 
A doodler by nature, I'd whip out art supplies, flip over a laundry basket to use as a makeshift table, and my buddies and I would get into art and conversation. 

And what art we created!
With each visitor expressing his/her own unique style, the cinderblock walls of my dorm room were adorned with original masterpieces that I will forever treasure.

Each piece represents so much to me—

the colorful expression of our young adult beginnings,
the perception of a world that was ours for the taking,
the blending of our now and then lives.

Amazing what some paper and color can pull out of a person, huh?

Special thanks to the unforgettable friends who came and went in ol' Johnson Hall—
who hooted in the stairwell
giggled in the elevators 
and colored all my memories with YES.

The pages of that history will always have a place in my home and in my heart.
Much love to you all...
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