I mean DAY-UM!
You know me.
I spent an evening learning about static electricity and researched how to thwart the zap.
If you're a science nerd at heart :::high fives::: and would like to learn the hows and whys on static electricity, check out this post from Electrostatics.net and get in the know.
But here are some short answers to stopping the shock.
1. Watch yo' feet!
Shoes with rubber soles often generate a static charge when passing over carpeting. Try leather-soled slippers or shoes (my girls rock these), or walk barefoot or in cotton socks instead.
2. Rethink your socks/clothing/carpet materials. Wool, nylon, polyester and silk have a more positive triboelectric charge than cotton and are more likely to cause a shock.
3. Raise the air humidity in your environment. Plants, a humidifier, even boiling water on the stove will help add moisture to the air.
4. Dry or rub your clothes/hair with a dryer sheet to neutralize electric charge.
6. Condition your hair thoroughly to add moisture that will reduce static. Brush with boar's hair bristles (not nylon or synthetics) to tame flyaways.
7. Get rid of your charge by touching a grounded metal object with the (less sensitive) back of your hand. You can try to lessen your static by touching something made of wood before touching a light switch or metal object.
(I've had much success with this tip, especially before touching/hugging other people or hitting the light switches that tend to give me a jolt!)
8. Lastly, to get rid of the charge built from rubbing against the seat of your vehicle, touch and HOLD a metal part of the door frame as you leave your seat. Don't let go until your feet have touched the ground.
Also, try placing your hand against the glass window to diminish charge before touching the door.
Or, while holding your keys, touch the metal key to the metal of the doorframe to painlessly discharge the electricity.
Ditch the jolt, friends, and have a grounded season!
Any other tips or idea for beating static shock? Send 'em my way!
XOXO From My Hearth to Yours