
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

14 Essentials to Make Your Playroom a Party

A playroom redesign is in the works out here, but no matter what color the walls are, no matter how we switch up the layout, 14 essentials will stay unchanged. 

Pipsqueaks have got to play.
Here's how ours get into it. 

A large, accessible rack organizes the most commonly grabbed toys and games. When the girls want to have a picnic or tea party, they grab the red basket. Feel like building? Grab the pastel basket. Mr. Potato Head designs? In the shoebox. 

Each activity is readily available for hands-on play. 
To encourage a love of literature and puzzlin' play, book baskets and basic puzzle sets are on ground level. This makes it easy to flip through titles or puzzle boards to make ideal selections.
An old makeup box with a built-in mirror stores dress-up jewelry and accessories. 
We store art paper, large puzzles and building blocks underneath the doll house. This space is also easily accessible but not in the direct path of travel, so items are protected during "play tornadoes" throughout the day.
We love maps! To help the girls learn layout, United States, Pennsylvania and world map posters line the playroom walls.
When my mama retired from teaching, I snagged an assortment of educational posters. These are great for reference if we're talking about the human body.
We've reserved the top shelves of the playroom closet for fragile games/gifts/activities, those with small pieces or those we'd like to keep organized for use.
All top-shelf activities are clearly visible so the girls can easily see, point out and request boxes that interest them.
Make a little music with an instrument bin. We keep our collection in a large basket for easy access, portability and clean up.
Most popular spot in the house? The dress-up closet. With princess gowns hanging (wire and plastic hangers so the kids can pull dresses down themselves without getting clobbered) and accessories galore in bins underneath, there are always options for glam.
The storage bins hold hats, scarves, purses, boas, fairy wings. You know…anything a fashionista might need to add a little JAZZ to an outfit. 
Gotta have a box o' balls for all age groups. Roll 'em. Toss 'em. Kick 'em. Bowl. Make up your own games, and for Pete's sake…teach me how to juggle already!
Our girls go gaga over figurines. We keep our characters in a basket with handles for easy access and mobility. If the girls want to play in the family room or in their bedrooms, it's easy to tote this basket to and fro.
This Eric Carle, Very Hungry Caterpillar tent, is another one of THE most happening spots in the house. As soon as we put it together, 4 years ago, we realized it wasn't coming down for a loooooong time. It's a permanent playroom fixture. 

Although we're ready to switch up the style, there's no way we're ditching any of the essentials that make playroom partyin' a blast.

We've got some good things going on in this little room—a space where the girls are free to explore, pretend, learn and create.

What do your kids love most about their play space? We need ideas for our upcoming revamp.
Play on, little peanuts!
Play on.
XOXO From My Hearth to Yours

P.S. Stay tuned for a great Uncle Milton GIVEAWAY coming soon! It'll be outta this world!

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