
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Green Thumbs and Flower Power

Been planting this season?
I just couldn't BE more into it.
strawflower, petunia, verbena, sweet potato vine, nasturtium, snap dragon, lobelia, coleus
The feel of sunshine against my shoulders, the sound of birdies a'chirping, the softness of the soil, organization of shapes, textures and colors…right up my alley.

This year, I'm really stuffin' 'em in there—going for a wild eruption of flowering foliage. 
sweet potato vine, petunia, begonia, verbena, osteospermum, lobelia, calibrochia
I've been studying up on making the most of my large containers, so each has plants that will hang, those that will grow tall, some to fill, flower and balance color.
marigold, alyssum, coleus, begonia, lobelia, sweet potato vine, gerbera daisy, verbena
alyssum, calendula, lobelia, canna, begonia and nasturtium
The box and window planters are filled with dianthus, petunia, alyssum, marigold, lobelia, zinnia, gazania and ageratum.
As summer nears, these beauties will fill out and spill over with color.
Why buy a bouquet of flowers when you can grow and cut 'em yourself? I keep pots of my favorite HAPPY flowers, gerbera daisies, around all spring and summer long.
gerbera daisy
Gerbera daisies grow quickly and, once cut, last for weeks in vases They're perfect for adding a pop of perfection both indoors and outside.
Our girls are in charge of snipping daisies for vases that bring color and happiness indoors.

We keep them in the bathrooms...
gerbera daisies and lilac
 in the kitchen...
gerbera daisies and osteospermum
 even on our family dinner table.
gerbera daisies and lilac
There's radiant color and inspiration around every turn. We can't wait to get outside these days. With so much stunning scenery, it's no wonder why.
Marguerite daisy, calendula, zinnia, strawflower, petunia, verbena, sweet potato vine, nasturtium, snap dragon, lobelia, coleus
Don't ya just love springtime?!?
Here's to natural beauty, green thumbs and flower power!
What are your favorite flowers for planting?

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